Swedish massage. A traditionnal one.

Classic massage or Swedish massage is the most widespread massage in the West. It is particularly suitable and effective for treating different daily and/or recurring sores and muscles pain.

Classic massage induces rest and relaxation, and has a direct effect on how you feel your body and your well-being in everyday life. This massage is suitable for all ages and has an overall beneficial effect.

Classic massage

Classical massage - J.Rüegger© - Booddha.ch™

The traditionnal massage technique is based on gestures like effleurages, kneading, pressures, strechnings and frictions that have direct effects on skeleton-muscles disorders. 

A massage is always given in regards to the person, the body condition, the emotionnal and personnal state of the person that is receiving the massage. The gestures and techniuqe is always adapted in the present moment.

The classic massage produces a fast relaxing effect on the body and muscles, but it also acts on the blood and lymphatic circulation.

The effect of the massage is felt at the level of the muscles and the joints, but also at the level of the bodily perception and the feeling in your own body. This aspect is very important and induces a reaction of relaxation, but also stimulation of the body. The friction effect caused by the massage will induce muscle heating and stimulation of the nervous system.

The classic massage is indicated in case of stress, fatigue, sleep disorder, but also in support of the immune system to prevent diseases due to a decrease in tone or physical and mental fatigue.


The benefits of massages

Massage thérapeutique - J.Rüegger© - Booddha.ch™Classic massage is practiced in the following cases:

  • muscle aches
  • back, lumbar, neck, shoulders
  • headache
  • support for the immune system
  • physical and mental fatigue
  • sleep disorder
  • stress
  • nervousness
  • anxious state
  • ...


Les contre-indications au massage


The contra-indications depend of course on the state of health of the person who receives the massage. In case of illness or medical follow-up, the indications of your doctor are preponderant and imperative.

The basic contraindications are :

  • pregnant women under 3 months
  • during infectious diseases
  • during high fevers

Classic massages

Well in your body, well in your mind.