Lymphatic Drainage

According to the original method of Dr. Vodder

Manual lymphatic drainage (DLM below) is a gentle method that acts on the lymphatic system. It aims at the re-circulation in the lymphatic system of toxins, proteins, water and various elements present in the interstitial cellular medium with a view to their elimination by the body.

In addition to the detoxifying effects, DLM gives a deep feeling of relaxation, letting go, and a soothing body experience. It is a de-stressing par excellence.

Classic manual lymphatic drainage

Drainage lymphatique - J.Rüegger© -™

The lymphatic draingane is not a massage, it is rather an anti-massage. With the DLM one acts by very low pressures on the superficial lymphatic system. The very precise action of DLM allows the recirculation of proteins (toxins, water) and their recovery by the lymphatic system for their elemination.

The DLM may be a very soft and shallow touch method, but its effect is the opposite. DLM is a "high-pressure cleaning", its effect is deep and acts effectively. It can effectively support many situations and conditions that are described below.

Le drainage lymphatique manuel (DLM ci-après) est une méthode douce qui agit sur le système lymphatique. Il vise la remise en circulation dans le système lymphatique des toxines, protéines, de l'eau et divers éléments présents dans le milieu cellulaire intersticiel en vue de leur élimination par l'organisme. 

En plus des effets détoxifiants, le DLM donne un profond sentiment de relaxation, de lâcher-prise, ainsi qu'un vécu corporel apaisant. C'est un déstressant par excellence.

Le draingane lymphatique n'est pas un massage, c'est plutôt un anti-massage. Avec le DLM on agit par de très faibles pressions sur le système lymphatique superficiel. Le geste très précis du DLM permet, la remise en circulation des protéines (toxines, eau) et leur récupération par le système lymphatique en vue de leur élémination.

Le DLM a beau être une méthode au toucher très doux et peu profond, son effet en est à l'opposé. Le DLM est un "nettoyage à haute pression", son effet est profond et agit de manière efficace. Il permet d'accompagner efficacement de nombreuses situations et pathologies qui sont décrites ci-après.

The qualities of DLM

It is important to remember that DLM can not be considered as a causal therapy. That is to say, he can not, on his own, overcome a pathology. In fact, the inherent capacity of the body and the medical care are decisive.

Nevertheless, the qualities of the DLM are numerous and allow an effective accompaniment in many situtations:

The DLM is:

  • regenerating and detoxifying at the tissue level
  • pro-circulatory on elements of the defense system
  • anti-edematous
  • anti-fibrosique
  • anti stress
  • analgesic
  • anti-spaspmodic
  • etc.

Conter indications to DLM

Drainage lymphatique - J.Rüegger © -™

The contra-indications depend of course on the person and his state of health at the time of the follow-up of consultation and his period of life. In case of illness or medical follow-up, the indications of your doctor are preponderant and imperative.

The basic counter indications are:

  • cancers and malignancy
    during infectious diseases
  • in case of kidney failure
  • in case of heart failure
  • in case of a stroke (thrombosis, phlebitis, ...)
  • in case of asthma or emphysema
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