What is medical massage therapy ?

Massothérapie - J.Rüegger© - Booddha.ch™

Medical massage strictly speaking does not exist, it would be better to say, "the techniques of the medical masseur" which encompasses a set of methods that allow the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of the integrity of the locomotor system by so-called passive techniques.

The methods of the medical massager include a natural therapeutic approach based on the art of touch. The different types of massage that compose it are tools that can treat many ailments. The whole body can receive massages. From head to toe, each zone has its own specificities and virtues. A complete massage is the most indicated to benefit from all its benefits.

Massage treatments act on the body and soft tissues of the body to relieve pain, relieve tension and stress. They contribute to a general well-being, offer a serene state of mind and a quick release. Massages reduce stress and promote better health by stimulating the immune system. They offer a better body experience and a state of sustainable well-being.

Massages are particularly indicated to treat, relieve and dispel muscular pains, musculoskeletal disorders, headaches, backaches and sleep disorders. They provide immediate relaxation, circulate vital energy and promote better anchoring through an inner connection. Massages are particularly recommended as a preventive and therapeutic measure.

The massages within the cabinet include:

  • classic massage
  • connective tissue massage
  • foot reflex zone massage
  • physical treatment of hypostases which includes, manual lymphatic drainage, as well as decongestive techniques by bandages and compression of edema
  • hydro thermotherapy
  • electrotherapy
  • therapeutic follow-up

You can also benefit within the firm of psycho-corporal approaches in collaboration with Raphaële Beck Psychologist-Psychotherapist FS
During a consultation, a space of tranquility is offered, in which the well-being of the person is essential. Special attention is given to the physical experience and the massage is adapted according to needs in the present moment.

Stop, it is massage time.

booddha.ch - José Rüegger 

According to the original method of Dr. Vodder

Manual lymphatic drainage (DLM below) is a gentle method that acts on the lymphatic system. It aims at the re-circulation in the lymphatic system of toxins, proteins, water and various elements present in the interstitial cellular medium with a view to their elimination by the body.

In addition to the detoxifying effects, DLM gives a deep feeling of relaxation, letting go, and a soothing body experience. It is a de-stressing par excellence.

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Foot area reflex massage

Reflexotherapy, or massage of the reflex zones of the feet and hands, is a very effective method for treating many ailments. It acts on the whole body through the reflex zones, it is indicated in many situations and its effects are both effective and fast.

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Connective tissue massage

The connective tissue massage is a reflexotherapy based on the links between the nervous system and the cutaneous tissues (skin). The human body, by the structure of the nervous system, is staged in blades, each nerve root in the spine, corresponds to the cutaneous dermatome (in the skin).

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